Sunset Hills Nursery School has been housed here at Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church for 50 years.
Sunset Hills Nursery School has been housed here at Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church for 50 years.
Sunset Hills Nursery School has been housed here at Sunset Hills United Presbyterian Church for 50 years.
We maintain the belief that children learn about their world through play and discovery. Our trained teachers provide a safe learning environment where children are given the opportunity to wonder and learn about the world they live in. They are encouraged to discover new things and to see where their imagination can take them through music, art, science, and play. There are no limits to what a young child can learn when they are encouraged to ask questions and to investigate their answers. Classes are available for children 2-5 years of age.
For more information, please visit the school website at or contact us directly at 412-440-0019.
Sunset Hills
Christian education is one of the most vital services we provide.
At SHUP, our educational programming is based on developing personal connections and dynamic learning experiences to help our young people develop and grow in their faith.
Join us Sundays before worship at
9 a.m. We offer something for everyone, from pre-schoolers to adults. Grades 9th-12th meet after worship concludes.